
The Company

BepartofadynamicstoryofgrowthandinnovationacrossAfricaandjoinadedicatedteamfocusedondeliveringthemostadvancedand design led work environments for large multinational and local
corporations operating on the Continent.

KOFISIisAfrica'sleadingflexibleworkspaceprovider,offeringenterpriseallinoneMembershipstothemostsophisticated,productive and engaging office environments
available. Owned by Sunbird Business Services, KOFISI has 6 Centres in Nairobi
is operational in a further 4
gateway cities, including Lagos and Dar Es Salaam.

KOFISI believes that employees are the most important part of
any business and by providing a work environment that supports and
stimulatesitsMembers,throughleadingspacedesign,thelatesttechnologyandfrontfoothospitalityservices,theywillfeelmotivatedand inspired to do their best -

First and foremost, KOFISI supports the productivity of business
through first class hospitality service and in order to maintain our
brand position as the flexible office
industry leaders, we ask that every member of our team is motivated to deliver
an incredible
customer service every

All our personnel - no matter what their role - should be driven
towards making every Members' day hassle free, leaving them to
concentrate on the most important aspects
of their business. If you'd like to be part of an exciting and innovative
service-led journey,
and your skills,
energy and
experience fit, we hope
you'll apply for a position with KOFISI.

Job Purpose

The Handyman will be responsible for a wide variety
of activities in repairs and maintenance, applying basic fixes to equipment and
building systems to ensure that our facilities are both tidy and functional at
all times.

Overall Duties and

·Perform all handyman duties within
KOFISI Centres

·Fitting, assembling, and altering
internal and external fixtures of buildings, such as flooring, walls,
partitions, doors, windows & frames.

·Fabricating and repairing items used
by various departments.

·Repairing and restoring furnishings
where possible.

·Carry out routine preventative
maintenance in line with job schedules and direction from the Maintenance

·Ensure cost efficient use of
department materials and equipment.

·Work together with department staff
and employees to provide an efficient maintenance service.

تاريخ النشر: اليوم
الناشر: Bayt
تاريخ النشر: اليوم
الناشر: Bayt