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Equity Research Associate
Banque de financement et d'investissement CDI Casablanca, Région de Casablanca-Settat, Maroc Télétravail possible Référence 2500031Y Date de début 28/02/2025 Date de publication 12/02/2025 Créée en 2014, SG ATS est une filiale du Groupe Société Générale qui fournit des solutions agiles et efficaces aux salles des marchés SG en Europe (principalement à Paris et Londres) afin de les aider à se développer et à répondre aux exigences de plus en plus fortes imposées par les différentes législations bancaires internationales.
Forte de son succès, SG ATS fournit aujourd'hui des prestations à forte valeur ajoutée à différentes lignes de métiers du Groupe (en Europe principalement mais également aux Etats-Unis et en Asie) sur des activités de marchés, mais également à plusieurs directions du Groupe Société Générale.
Sacrée « Meilleur Employeur 2023 – Maroc » SG ATS est une structure jeune, dynamique qui positionne le capital humain au centre de son développement. SG ATS souhaite donc s’entourer de talents qui participeront activement à la réussite de l’entreprise tout en évoluant dans un environnement international propice au développement de compétences à forte valeur ajoutée. Vous serez basé à Casablanca au sein de la filiale SG Africa Technologies & Services (SGT ATS).
Job Description
Working closely with analysts based in London or Paris, your responsibilities will include:
Carrying out financial research and analysis of international stocks Assisting in the drafting of research documents that are published and communicated to clients Providing support for senior analysts during marketing campaigns: creating slideshows and organising materials for internal/external clients, pitches, etc
As part of a team of around ten multi-sector analysts, you will:
Develop industry expertise by working with senior analysts in specific sectors Collate publicly available data and information, and ensure the reliability of all sources Take part in industry events (if necessary) Analyse key information and data points through in-depth checking and discussion Build financial / economic models that paint an accurate picture of the business environment, allowing analysts to generate estimates. Ensure that the modelling process and the deliverables meet the Group standards Update these models when necessary Design innovative, value-added approaches for collecting and analysing data to assist our clients in their decision making process On a regular basis, prepare and assist in the publication of documents, so that we can keep abreast of the latest developments in the sectors / areas we cover for our clients Adhere strictly to the various internal rules and the current regulations on producing financial research Respond to requests for ‘bespoke’ work from customers, while meeting all the requirements of our Compliance department, and in keeping with the Group’s general marketing guidelines
You have a Bac+5 qualification (Master's equivalent) from an engineering school, business school or university specialised in financial analysis You have a genuine interest in investment analysis, which you can demonstrate by having completed or by intending to complete one or more CFA certification levels Excellent analytical skills, drawing on a quantitative background Experience in programming (Python, VBA) and statistical analysis would be appreciated, but is not essential Skills in financial modelling, valuation or M&A analysis would be a plus Excellent oral and written communication (English & French) Intellectual curiosity and a real desire to excel in all aspects of your work Other important qualities to succeed in this position include: a detailed-oriented mindset, a proactive work approach, analytical and critical thinking, being able to work effectively as part of a team, as well as your interpersonal skills in taking initiatives that drive the delivery of quality service and resultsWe are looking for team players who can thrive in a demanding, collaborative environment to develop their careers.
Be sure to apply today if you think you have the necessary experience and qualifications. At SG ATS, we firmly believe that our employees are the key to our company’s success.
You will join the teams at Bernstein. Bernstein is widely recognized as a premier global equity research and brokerage firm, with a trading platform that spans the US, Europe, Asia and the Middle East. Our research and trading capabilities are sought out by leading investment managers around the world, and we have a long history of our research receiving #1 rankings for overall quality and industry knowledge. Bernstein is a joint venture between the Societe Generale Group and AllianceBernstein.
Our value proposition:
Focused on improving the investment strategies of our international clients A global and integrated cash equities platform World-class research products covering listed companies, global industries and individual sectors (Oil & Gas, Luxury Goods, Small Caps, Energy, etc.) Differentiated, in-depth fundamental research and analysis to help our clients choose the best investment strategies in cash equity markets Highly qualified sales & trading teams based in three continents (North America, Europe & Asia), offering execution solutions to international clients
Diversity and inclusion
We are an equal opportunity employer and have put diversity at the heart of our company’s ethos. The group is committed to recognising and promoting talent regardless of beliefs, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, membership of a political, religious, trade union or minority organisation, or any other characteristic that could be the target of discrimination.
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Equity Research Associate CDI Casablanca, Région de Casablanca-Settat, Maroc Télétravail possible