Invest Without Carbon Strategist - Market Finance Permanent contract Casablanca, Morocco

Morocco - Casablanca Morocco

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Invest Without Carbon Strategist - Market Finance
CDI| Casablanca| Banque de financement et d'investissement

Invest Without Carbon Strategist - Market Finance

Casablanca, Maroc CDI Banque de financement et d'investissement
As an IWC Strategist, you will be based in Casablanca (Morocco) and your primary duties will include:
- Understand decarbonization at the (geo)political, regulatory, macroeconomic, and microeconomic levels
- Develop and maintain a complex, proprietary carbon database
- Optimize and automate database extractions for enhanced reliability and ease-of-use
- Assist senior team members in writing research reports using the carbon database
- Help maintain and refine PowerPoint slide decks for client presentation.
Required Qualifications
- Possess a Master's degree from a Business or Engineering school
- Demonstrate a solid economic foundation and understanding of climate issues
- Proficient in programming (Python)
- Strong foundation in statistics
- Fluent in English
Preferred Qualifications
- Demonstrated passion for financial markets
- Previous involvement in financial research work
- Background in data science projects related to finance.
SG ATS, a Société Générale Group subsidiary established in 2014, offers agile and effective solutions to Société Générale's trading floors to help them comply with international banking regulations. Initially successful in market activities, SG ATS expanded to provide high-value services to various business lines of the group since 2020, focusing on finance, risk, and compliance. Recognized as 'Best Employer 2023 – Morocco' and awarded a certificate of excellence for gender equality in 2021, SG ATS is a young and dynamic company that values human capital and fosters international growth and niche skill development.
The Invest Without Carbon Strategist will join a larger Global Asset Allocation (GAA) team, comprised of experts in various asset classes, who operate from Paris, London, Bangalore, Hong Kong, Tokyo, and Casablanca. Their expertise lies in cross-asset research, where they examine the impact of major events on asset classes and their interconnections.
Invest without Carbon (IWC) is a popular range of products regularly updated by SG’s independent Global Research & Strategy team. Carbon is not ESG and ESG is not carbon. Our pure carbon scorecard rates global and multi asset developments. Honing our skills over the last four years, we have significantly refined our methodology and data processing to score both corporate and sovereign issuers.
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Publisher: Bayt
Post date: Today
Publisher: Bayt